What are the opening hours of student study rooms? Are lecture rooms also available? Do reservations have to be made? What are the regulations?

These questions come up a lot lately and are easy to answer.

Seminar rooms can again be booked for 6 hours each in the morning or afternoon. Due to limited numbers, two groups may be booked into large rooms if demand is high. The student study rooms are accessible without booking.

Strict corona protection rules do not currently exist. We trust in your common sense. Should someone in the group fall ill with corona, please inform all other room users and write to coronamelden@tuhh.de.
Otherwise, the following still applies: Leave furniture in the rooms, be considerate of others and do not "occupy" rooms.

The exact opening hours and how everything works, you can find here. If you have any questions or problems, please contact us at the email address given there or come by our office.