A cooperation between AStA and the assisted living group "Leben mit Behinderung" (ger. "living with disability"). They collect plastic lids collected to create something new out of them.

For quite some time now, the AStA has been cooperating with the Harburg daycare center "Leben mit Behinderung". We are always happy when Manuel and Athanasius come here and take our paper waste to the container or pick up paper for shredding for their group. And we notice that the two of them also enjoy coming to us, among other things, by the fact that they already call us from the entrance.

Now there is a new project where we support the daycare. We have placed their collection box for plastic lids in the foyer of Audimax 1, and we ask you all to fill this box diligently. You can see what happens with it here. This is how we bring inclusion and sustainability together, and everyone enjoys it too.