Department for Social-Affairs and Health

Representative for social and health issues

Dominik Wolf

I would like to make my contribution to transforming the TU from a labor factory for the industry, back to a place of knowledge and encounters. When I was new here, a professor once told me that in his time it was good manners to study at least 16 semesters! Today that is rather frowned upon. Why is that?
Why is our university not a place where we like to stay longer, where we find social connections and help? Why is it hardly perceived as a place of discovery? - And why is "you learn for life..." just an occasionally recited mantra of the profs that fades away in the pressure to perform in everyday life, instead of a real credo that the student body carries under its heart?
The social aspect is missing at the TU and I would like to see that change.
You too? - get in touch! :)



To identify social obstacles in studying, to address them and to actively contribute to overcoming them. In addition, projects are to be organised and information published that contribute positively to the physical and, above all, mental health of students.