Department for Gender Equality

Representative for gender equality

Klara Stapelfeldt

Moin, my name is Klara and I study electrical engineering in my bachelor. I am a passionate reader, eater, and cyclist - but most of the time can be found in the depths of my bed. My interests are primarily directed towards equality and equity at the TUHH, so if you have any questions, requests, worries or other matters, feel free to contact me!



The Department for Equality is committed to the equality of all students at TUHH and to enabling all - especially non-heteronormative - lifestyles at TUHH. To this end, the unit checks TUHH for discriminatory and sexist elements, both structurally and in terms of content, and works to counteract them. The department organizes educational offers for the student body with the aim of preventing and combating discrimination.