Semi-autonomous department for Anti-Racism

Representative for Anti-Racism a.D.

Sari Eid

No self-description provided.

Sari Eid


Hamburg-Harburg University of Technology is a diverse place of learning. We have students of different nationalities and backgrounds. The Anti-Racism Department offers you an independent point of contact where you can report any discrimination against you in the university context. You can also contact us as a witness to a discriminatory incident. You can either use the email address provided or the form below. The data provided will of course be treated confidentially. We can then contact you and discuss possible courses of action. If you have specific legal questions, the AStA also offers legal advice in various areas.


The AntiRa unit deals with the important issue of racism at our university. It is mainly aimed at students who have had direct experiences with racism, have a migration background or have a non-German nationality.