The movie “Die Feuerzangenbowle” is a classic. The event accompanying the movie has become a tradition at the TU. The Kino AG invites you to the movie with fire tongs bowl on 03.12.24 at 20:00 in Audimax 1.
On 03.12.24. tickets can be purchased in advance from 11:00 a.m. in front of Audimax 2
But there are also rules!
For example, people are asked not to “preheat”. Alcoholized persons will not be admitted.
Please bring your own mugs for the punch. And please be on time.
As the film is not without controversy, there will be a small exhibition in the foyer with information on the background to the film, which was shot during the Nazi era and served as a so-called “hold-out film”. There will also be up-to-date information on the current owner of the screening rights, who is a member of the AfD.
The movie is shown in German.